Also from Ed Uncovered: 6 Ways to Make Twitter More Exciting This Year
Twitter. Comedians. Two words which have perfectly pleasant connotations on their own. Combine them however and you create a monster that requires a constant stream of RTs and Favstars to justify its attention-whoring existence.
There’s something deeply wrong with Twitter comedians. They know it. We know it. The whole world knows it. Yet still we follow them. Why? Because every now and then they’ll nail it, encapsulating everything we’ve ever wanted to say in 140 characters.
Stay funny, bitchez
This article was supposed to happen a year ago. That’s when Allana created the cool photos that accompany it. Then I gave up after most of the people on my shortlist committed the worst crime a Twitter comedian can commit – trying too hard.
Twitter People Who Have Made it Onto This List: Don’t force the humour. Just keep doing what you’re doing and we’ll love you forevermore, or at least until someone funnier comes along. It’s a fickle business, Twitter.
Alex Baze is the head writer for Saturday Night Live’s Weekend Update. I’ve never seen Weekend Update because it’s on TV and I’m on the internet, but if the show’s anything like his tweets, it’s flab-free and razor-sharp.
Do all Twitter comedians write for Saturday Night Live? Sarah Beattie is an SNL writer who lives in Hawaii – the sort of useless titbit that adds absolutely nothing to this conversation. For all I care, Sarah can live in an igloo in the North Pole (a wifi-enabled igloo of course) so long as she keeps churning out unpunctuated pearls of hilarity.
Pron Kween
Pron Kween tweets genuine porn clips with hilariously bad titles. (Disclosure: it’s my own creation, so show it some love.) The recently-launched account promises porn that’s too funny to fap to – but don’t let that stop you from trying.
[tweet httpss://]
Rob Fee is a writer and comedian, which probably explains why he spends so much time on Twitter, writing and being a comedian. Anyone can call themselves a Twitter comedian, but few can be this funny this consistently.
In real life, female comedians are still scarce. On Twitter (which certainly isn’t real life), they abound. Robin McCauley might not write for SNL, but she’s funny as hell. I am OK with that.
Brandon Gutermuth is a Connecticut comedian who disappointingly looks nothing like his avi. Pleasingly, he’s just as funny.
Molly McNearney is the head writer on Jimmy Kimmel Live. She’s also now married to Jimmy Kimmel. Talk about putting all your eggs in one basket. Should they ever split up, Jimmy Kimmel’s show will be half as funny. He’ll also be half as rich.
Is it possible to be famous for being funny on Twitter? Yes if your name’s Megan Amram. Since becoming A Thing on Twitter, Megan’s gone on to write for the Oscars and Disney’s A.N.T Farm. Eschewing the ditzy routine favoured by many Twitter comediennes, Megan Amran is dark, twisted and brilliant.
Paul Bassett Davies is a writer whose stories, plays, TV and radio scripts have been published, dramatised and downloaded. On Twitter he’s occasionally political, often scathing and usually amusing.
Patrick Ryan is some bloke on Twitter. He doesn’t tweet much, but when he does it’s invariably funny. Better to tweet infrequently and be assumed dead than to tweet often and be confirmed annoying.
LA: The home of failed actors, failed stand-ups and failed Twitter comedians. Most Twitter comedians hail from LA. Most of them suck. Bill Mc7 isn’t like other comics: he’s funny – despite being from LA. Impressive.
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