Delboy is no ordinary boy. He’s a scumbag. A total scumbag. Don’t take my word for it though – take Delboy’s. He’s the one who called himself Delboy the Scumbag after all – and then made a film about his scummy adventures across Europe.
A Weegie Abroad is a one-hour film that follows Delboy from his home city through Amsterdam, Germany and Austria. Along the way, Delboy interacts with the locals, engaging them with his west coast patter.
With the average Edinburgher struggling to decipher a thick Weegie accent, what hope is there for our European cousins?
None, it turns out.
A Weegie Abroad
The short docu-film, produced by TDSLR Photography, is rich with Buckfast, banter and sentences that end in ‘but’. It’s also rich with humour, spawned by the spectacled wonder that is Delboy the Scumbag.
The ‘displaced ned’ concept that fuels A Weegie Abroad may sound like a recipe for cheap laughs. As the film develops, however, it becomes apparent that Delboy is far more than a two-dimensional cliche.
If your heart hasn’t warmed by the film’s climax, you need to take a hefty swig of the tonic. Should Scotland ever appoint an International Ambassador, Delboy’s surely got the job.
A Weegie Abroad premieres in Glasgow’s Govan Pierce Institute on 22nd November (7pm).
Its Edinburgh premiere is in The Banshee Labyrinth on 6th December (7pm).