2013's greatest moments


On Monday and Tuesday, Ed Uncovered brought you the ultimate review of 2013. In it, I rattled through every major incident that made us laugh, rage or cry during the course of the year.

Today’s retrospective is less about the world and more about, well, me.

In no particular order, I’m gonna publish some of my favourite tweets, songs and pics of the year. Spoiler: I’m not like you. We’re into different stuff. So listen to the tracks you think you might like, skip the stuff that makes your ears bleed and, if you wanna return the favour, tweet me your own recommendations or drop ‘em into the comments section.

If I do this right, you should have a chance to listen to some of the tracks embedded in this blog while you scroll through the tweets and other stuff I’ve thrown in for your entertainment. Finally, I’ll list my favourite articles that appeared on Ed Uncovered this year.

Let’s go.

The best bits from 2013 (so far)

I began the year buying $18 bitcoin and ended it with zero bitcoin – just as it hit $900. But EU’s number two, Ravi, did manage to get into alt currency mining:

[tweet httpss://twitter.com/zambianastro/status/408993576165863424]

Remember all those Ed Uncovered articles about sex, drugs, death and fapping? Well this is the soundtrack they were written to. Blame it on the music…


Crosses is Chino Moreno’s side project. More ambient than the singer’s Deftones material, this track has been (gently) rocking my world of late:


I See Stars is the sort of scene band that most people hate, and rightly so. With the word ‘gay’ no longer acceptable as a descriptor, I’m not sure how best to describe their dubstep-tinged metalcore. Wait, don’t go away! For whatever reason, I love this track. Possibly because my gf hates it, or possibly because it rocks hard for a dubstep-tinged metalcore non-gay number. You’re gonna hate it, but give it a go anyway. Bonus points if you make it all the way to the end.

Tweet intermission

[tweet httpss://twitter.com/marginalutility/status/299319677409177601]

[tweet httpss://twitter.com/sixthformpoet/status/286075183092092929]
[tweet httpss://twitter.com/GSElevator/status/290268879350013953]

[tweet httpss://twitter.com/WGladstone/status/296266433694941185]

[tweet httpss://twitter.com/RDdotC/status/295388723565178880]

[tweet httpss://twitter.com/mrchrisaddison/status/299641972392603648]

[tweet httpss://twitter.com/BryanCranston/status/347735374602321921]

[tweet httpss://twitter.com/mdowd/status/342890213569331200]

[tweet httpss://twitter.com/jenstatsky/status/343103475472793600]

[tweet httpss://twitter.com/rcalo/status/350417858406260736]

[tweet httpss://twitter.com/TheTweetOfGod/status/346443031626526721]

Moar music

Until a week ago, I’d never heard of Modern Baseball. They do melodic pop punk; this track is taken from their album You’re Gonna Miss It All, out Feb 2014, and I love it.


Speaking of pop punk, Alkaline Trio’s new album wasn’t a classic but this track was:


Marmozets will probably go down in history as That Band With That One Catchy Song. Here it is:


I grew up listening to AFI and I still like them, even as they get trendier and less punky with every release. This is pure pop, taken from the band’s ninth studio album, Burials. Princess can’t stand this song, probably because I’ve played it to her over 9,000 times this year while dancing around the kitchen to rustle her jimmies.

 Tweet intermission

[tweet httpss://twitter.com/kleun13/status/300756518251405313]

[tweet httpss://twitter.com/KCCOTyler/status/293591714315243520]

[tweet httpss://twitter.com/whisperednothin/status/302757236793548800]

[tweet httpss://twitter.com/Huntermoore/status/298244533353840644]

[tweet httpss://twitter.com/anthonyjeselnik/status/347499635138519040]

[tweet httpss://twitter.com/whisperednothin/status/311947487286022146]

[tweet httpss://twitter.com/hotseatpepper/status/409405311754457088]



Click here for the remainder of 2013’s best bits on page two.